Google Bombs

Posted: July 4th, 2003 | Filed under: Uncategorized | No Comments »

Since Adam Mathes conceived his 2001 April fools joke, Google Bombing has grown
into quite a phenomenon – helped in no small part by the popularity of blogging. The steps to setup a bomb are surprisingly
simple: (Taken from original essay on bombing

  1. Get a web site. If you already have a web site, you can skip this step. If not, be a cheap bastard and go Geocities, Angelfire, Pitas, whatever. I don’t care. Everyone has something to say blah blah blah personal expression yadda yadda. Just remember the Google bombing.
  2. Whenever you update your site, which should be approximately three to five times a week, be sure to include the following HTML at some point:

    Andy “talentless hack” Pressman

  3. Add your site to Google.
  4. Wait for the magic to happen! Soon, whenever you type in talentless hack into google, you’ll see Andy “talentless hack” Pressman smiling right back at you.

In fact the speed with which bloggers get indexed & their prevalence has prompted Google to consider setting up a dedicated ‘Blog’ search & possibly removing them from the main index.

The two latest GoogleBombs are “french military victories”, which (in case it slips down the ratings) takes you here
and Weapons of Mass Destruction which takes you here

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