Ghost Town

Posted: May 6th, 2004 | Filed under: Uncategorized | No Comments »

While reading a blog about the recent meetings I came across this site of pictures from a trip through the Chernobyl area. Some interesting & scary stuff.

If I step 10 meters forward, geiger counter will run off the scale. IfI walk
a few hundred meters towards the reactor, the radiation is 3roentgens per
hour – which is 300,000 times normal. If I was to keepwalking all the way to
the reactor, I would glow in the dark tonight.

Some tourists companies have been trying to arrange tours…but the first
group of tourists found the silence unnerving and downright SPOOKY….They
charged 1200 hryvnas for a 2 hour excursion and after some 15 minutes, they
wanted to flee to the outside world.

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