Forget North Korea, Belgium has the bomb!

Posted: March 25th, 2005 | Filed under: Uncategorized | No Comments »

Thought the cold war was over? Well how would you like to know that the US has 100 nuclear weapons stationed in Suffolk – that’s three times more than they previously admitted to having here in the UK! Oh and that’s out of a total of almost 500 they hold across Europe. The Guardian dishes the dirt

“The fact that the United States has some 480 nuclear weapons still stationed in Europe will come as a surprise to a lot of Europeans,”

“The big question is: ‘Why are they still there more than a decade after the cold war ended?’ Neither the United States nor Nato has been able to articulate a credible mission for the weapons.”

Not only that, but in the event of war, the US would give the bombs to other Nato members’ airforces to drop on their behalf. Never mind the fact that some of these countries, Belguim, for example, are not nuclear powers. Oh well, if it ever got to that point, nuclear non-proliferation treaties would be the least of our worries.

But getting back to the point, with the cold war over, its surely about time to get rid of these weapons – they’re surely not too practical in the current ‘war on terrorism’ which rather transcends nation states and focuses on small groups / individuals. And please don’t mention the Dr Stangelove scenario!

On a lighter (sic) note, it no doubt came as some surprise to the Sudanese government to discover their country used to be a US nuclear test ground. Finally, those crazy particle physicists have created what looks remarkably like a small black hole in their lab. Guess the feasiblity rating for item number 7 in How to destroy the World just increased in magnitude a little and/or came forward a few hundred years.

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