Beck, Moby, Dogville and The Edukators

Posted: April 17th, 2005 | Filed under: Uncategorized | No Comments »

I’ve picked up a fair few new albums over the past month. After an abrupt change in style with his last album, Sea Change, Beck has returned to making awesome funky music again in the form of Guero. Also recently released is Moby’s new album Hotel, in which he’s managed to evolve past the style that was pervasive in Play and 18 . On the film front I’ve got hold of the DVD of Lars von Trier’s Dogville, which after a second viewing is just as excellant as it was the first time around, although the theatrical set does loose its presence on the small screen. DogVille is aledgedly only the first of three films Lars von Trier is making looking at American society, so I’ll be interested to see how the next two pan out. Finally, just released in the cinema is the german film, The Edukators. It starts off as an, ever so slightly cliched, film about a couple of anti-capitalist activists, but when Jan & Jule get end up kidnapping a business man (after getting caught breaking into his house), it turns into a much deeper film, and more of a thriller. I won’t say anymore about it to avoid spoiling it, but suffice to say its well worth a viewing.

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