E-Mail Archival

Posted: April 27th, 2005 | Filed under: Uncategorized | No Comments »

A little while ago I finally decided it was time to find a good program for managing my historic E-Mail archives more effectively than grep. I didn’t, however, want to stop using Mutt as my primary mail client, and while many programs such as Evolution provided much more advanced email archival capabilities than Mutt, they didn’t not scale up to gigabytes of E-Mail archives. And so Mail Archive was born. At its core is a PostgreSQL database string MIME messages in fully normalized structure, with TSearch v2 full text indexes applied to body text and header values. A single afternoon of coding provided a script to import mailboxes into the DB (the Perl Mail::Box module handled the really hard work of parsing mailboxes and MIME messages). A few more days work and a web GUI was born enabling searching, reporting and organizing. One final evenings work and user accounts & personalization were operational. With this all complete I decided its time to welcome the world, so I’ve registered a new project on GNA!, uploaded the source and put up a simple homepage

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