A weekend in Munich

Posted: May 2nd, 2005 | Filed under: Uncategorized | No Comments »

Just got back home from a quick sojournment in Munich, where Hugh & I stayed in the fantastic Hotel Aram. Of course we had to visit the Englischergarten to have a drink with 3000 or so other folks, followed later by a night in a beer tent where there was plenty more drinking and dancing on tables. On Sunday we managed to overcome our hangovers and, along with Aram’s wife & daughter, headed into the Alps to ascend Wendelstein. The more adventurous visitors hiked the 1000 or so metres up the mountain, but we took the cable car to the top. At 1800m high, the view from the summit is mighty impressive. Finally we had to pay a visit to see fellow Red Hat’ers in the our Munich office, where I was amuzed to find one of Phil G‘s pictures still hanging in the kitchen!

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