The Consequences of Love

Posted: May 30th, 2005 | Filed under: Uncategorized | No Comments »

The grandure of its title, led me to expect this to be a somewhat more intimate film than it turned out to be. In fact, given the lack of details on the story in the various reviews, the title was about all there was to go on when deciding whether to spend time to watch it. After watching the film, however, I can now understand the difficulties reviewers must have had when trying to write something about it, for this is a film that works best when you know little to nothing about its story. There is a strong focus on style and camerawork, and indeed at first this appears to be all there is to it, there being very little story at all, but over the duration, little sequences here & there let slip & hint at details of the lead character’s background & life. Eventually details in the present & past tie up showing you the full picture of his life, at which point the film moves into its final sequence and a rather unexpected and shocking climax. You might be left wondering in the end, what the title was all about, but give it a little while to sink in and it’ll all become clear. So was it any good ? I wouldn’t say it was perfect by a long shot, and I’m not sure it would bear repeated viewings (since as I said earlier, it works best when you’ve no knowledge of whats to come), but if you like more experimental / unorthadox films then its certainly an interesting watch, and give you a little to think about after the fact.

Before I go, just mention, that while browsing around I came across the White Stripes’ cover of Jolene – fantastic.

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