A wild boar by Toutatis

Posted: July 1st, 2005 | Filed under: Uncategorized | No Comments »

I’ve just returned from a very pleasent trip to France, 3 days in Paris, followed by 3 days out in the country in the very small village of Valliere just outside Sens (more or less between Champagne and Burgundy regions I’m told). Paris was looking mighty fine, if rather hot – I’ve decided that June / July / August is probably not the most comfortable time to be doing the tourist thing in Paris – I’d much rather have just spent the time lazying around on the banks of the Seine in the glorious sun. Down in Valliere, with Claire & Richard and friends, basically to consume a freshly roasted wild boar. Yes, there are many pictures to come in the next few weeks as I scan through the various rolls of film. In fact some on my first rolls of Kodak T-Max are really rather nice – the superfine grain has given a gloriously smooth / soft finish to them. I’ll definitely be shooting some more T-Max in the very near future.

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