Perl bindings for libvirt

Posted: March 27th, 2006 | Filed under: libvirt, Virt Tools | 1 Comment »

I had a couple of hours spare, so I put together a set of Perl bindings
for libvirt. I’m currently calling the module Sys::Virt which seems to
be the most appropriate location in the CPAN namespace, but I’m open to
suggestions if people think that sucks. I’ve currently got near 100%
coverage of the C APIs, but not exposed all the static constants yet.
There are a couple of trivial example programs illustrating use of the
API for extracting info about domains.

For now you can grab a snapshot of the source for the binding using
Mercurial from the URL When I’ve tested it more completely I’ll upload it to CPAN.

One Response to “Perl bindings for libvirt”

  1. Vaandoo says:

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