Dilbert + flash: epic fail

Posted: April 18th, 2008 | Filed under: Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

For some incomprehensible reason it has been decided that presenting Dilbert cartoon strips as a plain old image isn’t sexy enough. You now need a flash plugin to display the same old static image as before. Seriously, WTF.COM ?

The only positive, is that there is a now an RSS feed for the strips, which does have the static images inline to the feed. So now I can avoid the nauseating website completely and just read the strips from the comfort of LiFeRea.

One Response to “Dilbert + flash: epic fail”

  1. Kevin Kofler says:

    Uh, I don’t have Flash installed at all, my Konqueror is set up to not even prompt for it (and yes, this means YouTube shows a big white rectangle where the video should be) and I still see the image, so there’s some fallback set up. I guess they use Flash for the new animated strips (which show up as the usual big blank rectangle here, see the pattern?).

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