A blog planet for following virtualization tools development & tutorials, etc

Posted: October 11th, 2011 | Filed under: Fedora, libvirt, Virt Tools | Tags: , , , , , | 2 Comments »

The virt-tools.org website, launched last year, provides tutorials, videos, documentation, online help and roadmaps relevant to libvirt, libguestfs, gtk-vnc, spice, other related libraries, and tools or applications like virt-manager & virt-install. The site goal is to inform & assist end users, system administrators & application developers who wish to learn about the capabilities of the virt tools stack. The focus of most content is the, state of the art, Linux native KVM hypervisor, but writing about using other hypervisors using virt tools is also welcome.

Back in June I finally got around to setting up a blog planet to aggregate the RSS feeds of various people working in libvirt, libguestfs, etc. While I announced this to various mailing lists, it appears I forgot to blog about it. Whoops. So this post is just a quick alert that if you’re interested in libvirt, libguestfs, virt-manager, etc and don’t want to follow a high traffic site like the Fedora planet, then this is the blog feed aggregator for you:

2 Responses to “A blog planet for following virtualization tools development & tutorials, etc”

  1. silopolis says:


    This is really handy, thanks for setting this up !
    Do you plan to extend/open the planet to the larger spectrum of projects based on libvirt (not just using it) like Archipel, OpenNode, OpenNebula… ?

    Thanks again
    Keep it on

  2. Daniel Berrange says:

    We wanted this planet to focus on helping developers writing against libvirt/libguestfs, and administrators using libvirt/libguestfs & other low level libraries / tools, so there is a high signal/noise ratio for the posts. The projects you mention are quite large in their own right & probably ought to have their own dedicated planets

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