Podcast from the London OpenStack Meetup talk “Libvirt & KVM with OpenStack Nova”

Posted: July 27th, 2012 | Filed under: Fedora, libvirt, OpenStack, Virt Tools | No Comments »

I mentioned in my post yesterday about the 1st London OpenStack Meetup, that Richard Morrell had done an audio recording of the talk I gave. After a little post-processing of the audio capture files (with open source tools like Audacity on Linux of course – no Mac OS-X here thanks), and the recording of a short introduction, Richard has now published my talk as a podcast on his Cloud Evangelist blog. With the introduction he added, the podcast comes out at a little bit over 30 minutes – I hadn’t realized how far I went over the allocated 20 minute timeslot until I got the recording back! Next time we need a meeting room with a more clearly visible clock :-)

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