Improving libvirt firewall performance

Previously I talked about improving the performance of logging in libvirt. This article will consider the second, even bigger, performance problem I’ve tackled over the past month or so, the management of firewall rules.

There are three areas of libvirt which have a need to interact with the host firewall

  • Virtual networks – add rules to iptables/ip6tables to control IPv4/IPv6 forwarding and masquerading of traffic from virtual networks (eg the virbr0 device)
  • MAC filtering – adds rules to ebtables to reject spoofed MAC addresses from guest NICs (pretty much obsoleted by general filtering)
  • General network filtering – adds almost arbitrary rules to ebtables/iptables/ip6tables to filter guest NIC traffic

When first written all of these areas of libvirt code would directly invoke the iptables/ip6tables/ebtables command line tools to add/remove the rules needed. Then along came firewalld. While we could pretend firewalld didn’t exist and continue invoking the CLI tools directly, this would end in tears when firewalld flushes chains / tables. When we first realized that libvirt needed to add firewalld support, time was short wrt the forthcoming Fedora release schedule which would include firewalld by default. Thus an expedient decision was made, simply replacing any calls to iptables/ip6tables/ebtables with a call to ‘firewall-cmd –passthrough’ instead. This allowed libvirt to integrate with firewalld, so its rules would not get lost, with the minimum possible number of code changes to libvirt.

Unfortunately, it quickly became apparent that using ‘firewall-cmd’ imposes quite a severe performance penalty. Testing with libvirt’s virtual network feature showed that to start 20 virtual networks took 3 seconds with direct iptables usage and 42 seconds with “firewall-cmd –passthrough”. IOW using firewall-cmd is over x10 slower than direct invocation. The network filtering code is similarly badly affected, running our integration test suite went from 28 seconds to 479 seconds, almost x18 slower with firewall-cmd.

We’ve lived with this performance degradation in libvirt for a little while now, but it was clear that this was never going to be acceptable in the long term. This kind of performance bottleneck in firewall manipulation really hurts applications using libvirt, slowing down guest creation in OpenStack noticeably, and even making libvirtd much slower to startup. With a little slack time in my schedule I did some microbenchmarks comparing repeated invocation of firewall-cmd to a script that instead directly invoked the underlying firewalld dbus API repeatedly. While I don’t have the results anymore, it suffices to say that, the tests strongly showed the overhead lay in the firewall-cmd tool, as opposed to the DBus API.

Based on the test results it was clear that libvirt needed to switch to talking to firewalld directly via DBus, instead of spawning an external program to do this indirectly. Even without the performance overhead of firewall-cmd this would be just good engineering practice, particularly wrt error handling, since parsing errors from stderr is truly horrible. The virtual network code had a lot of complexity in it to cope with the fact that applying any single firewall rule might fail and thus need a set of steps to rollback to the previous state of the firewall. This was nothing compared to the complexity of the network filtering code, which would dynamically generate hairy/scary shell scripts with conditionals to either report or ignore errors that occurred and to dynamically query existing rules to decide what to create next.

What libvirt needed was an internal API for interacting with the firewall which would magically talk to either the DBus API, or the iptables/ip6tables/ebtables tools directly, as appropriate for the host being managed. To further reduce the burden on users of the API, it would also to need to have the concept of “transactions”. That is a user of the API can define a set of rules that it wants applied, and if applying any of those rules fails, then a set of “rollback” steps would be applied to cleanup. Finally, it would need the ability to register hooks which query the rule state and dynamically changed later rules.

It took a while to figure out the right design for this libvirt internal firewall API, but once done the task of converting all libvirt code remained ahead. The virtual network and MAC filtering code was fairly easy to convert over the space of a day or so. The same could not be said of the network filtering code. The task of changing it from dynamically writing shell scripts, to using the new firewall API lasted days, which turned into weeks, eventually turning into the best part of a month’s work. What saved me from insanity was that the original creator of this firewall code had the good sense to create a comprehensive set of integration tests for it. This made it much easier to identify places where I’d screwed up and has dramatically reduced the number of regressions I am likely to have created. Hopefully there are no regressions at all.

At the end of this months work, as well as the original integration tests, libvirt now also has a large number of new unit tests which can validate the operation of our firewall code. These will demonstrate that future changes in this area, do not alter the commands used to build the firewall, complementing the integration tests which validate the final firewall ruleset. Now back to the performance. Creating 20 virtual networks originally took 29 seconds with firewall-cmd, now takes only 3 seconds with firewalld DBus APIs. So there is no measurable difference from direct invocation of iptables there. Running the network filter integration test suite, which took 479 seconds with firewall-cmd, now only takes 37 seconds with firewalld DBus APIs. This is slightly slower than direct ebtables invocation which took 29 seconds, but I think that delta is now at an acceptably low level.

This code is all merged into current libvirt GIT and will be included in the 1.2.4 release due out next week and heading to Fedora rawhide immediately thereafter. So come Fedora 21, anything firewall related in libvirt should be noticeably faster. If any application or script you work on happens to make use of firewall-cmd, then I’d strongly recommend changing it to use the DBus API directly. I don’t know why firewall-cmd is so terribly slow, but as it is today, I can’t recommend anyone using it if they have a non-trivial number of rules to define.

One Response to “Improving libvirt firewall performance”

  1. john wallace says:

    Hello. While I was troubleshooting a head-scratching problem (I am not a programmer.) with my default NAT networking component getting shut down immediately during startup of libvirtd, I ran across this article. Since the article pointed out that there were some code changes to be made in libvirt 1.2.4 in relation to the interaction with firewalld, and since I recalled that I had recently upgraded from version 1.2.3 to version 1.2.5, it occured to me that this change could have contributed to my problem because I do not make use of firewalld with QEMU/KVM. I then reverted to version 1.2.3, and sure enough the problem disappeared. Now I have NAT and virbr0 appears after starting libvirt. I never implemented firewalld because, as I recall, it was rather difficult to understand how to make it work with QEMU. Is there any way to get around this issue so that I can upgrade libvirt without having to learn all about firewalld in doing so? Thanks.

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