Trying sd-boot and unified kernel images in a KVM virtual machine

Posted: July 19th, 2022 | Filed under: Fedora, Virt Tools | Tags: , , | No Comments »

A recent thread on the Fedora development list about unified kernel images co-incided with work I’m involved in wrt confidential computing (AMD SEV[-SNP], Intel TDX, etc). In exploring the different options for booting virtual machines in a confidential computing environment, one of the problems that keeps coming up is that of validating the boot measurements of the initrd and kernel command line. The initrd is currently generated on the fly at the time the kernel is installed on a host, while the command line typically contains host specific UUIDs for filesystems or LUKS volumes. Before even dealing with those problems, grub2‘s support for TPMs causes pain due to its need to measure every single grub.conf configuration line that is executed into a PCR. Even with the most minimal grub.conf using autodiscovery based on the boot loader spec, the grub.conf boot measurements are horribly cumbersome to deal with.

With this in mind, in working on confidential virtualization, we’re exploring options for simplifying the boot process by eliminating any per-host variable measurements. A promising way of achieving this is to make use of sd-boot instead of grub2, and using unified kernel images pre-built and signed by the OS vendor. I don’t have enough familiarity with this area of Linux, so I’ve been spending time trying out the different options available to better understand their operation. What follows is a short description of how i took an existing Fedora 36 virtual machine and converted it to sd-boot with a unified kernel image.

First of all, I’m assuming that the virtual machine has been installed using UEFI (EDK2’s OOVMF build) as the firmware, rather than legacy BIOS (aka SeaBIOS). This is not the default with virt-manager/virt-install, but an opt-in is possible at time of provisioning the guest. Similarly it is possible to opt-in to adding a virtual TPM to the guest, for the purpose of receiving boot measurements. Latest upstream code for virt-manager/virt-install will always add a vTPM if UEFI is requested.

Assuming UEFI + vTPM are enabled for the guest, the default Fedora / RHEL setup will also result in SecureBoot being enabled in the guest. This is good in general, but the sd-boot shipped in Fedora is not currently signed. Thus for (current) testing, either disable SecureBoot, or manually sign the sd-boot binary with a local key and enroll that key with UEFI. SecureBoot isn’t immediately important, so the quickest option is disabling SecureBoot with the following libvirt guest XML config setup:

<os firmware='efi'>
  <type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-q35-6.2'>hvm</type>
    <feature enabled='no' name='secure-boot'/>
  <loader secure='no'/>
  <boot dev='hd'/>

The next time the guest is cold-booted, the ‘--reset-nvram‘ flag needs to be passed to ‘virsh start‘ to make it throwaway the existing SecureBoot enabled NVRAM and replace it with one disabling SecureBoot.

$ virsh start --reset-nvram fedora36test

Inside the guest, surprisingly, there were only two steps required, installing ‘sd-boot’ to the EFI partition, and building the unified kernel images. Installing ‘sd-boot’ will disable the use of grub, so don’t reboot after this first step, until the kernels are setup:

$ bootctl install
Created "/boot/efi/EFI/systemd".
Created "/boot/efi/loader".
Created "/boot/efi/loader/entries".
Created "/boot/efi/EFI/Linux".
Copied "/usr/lib/systemd/boot/efi/systemd-bootx64.efi" to "/boot/efi/EFI/systemd/systemd-bootx64.efi".
Copied "/usr/lib/systemd/boot/efi/systemd-bootx64.efi" to "/boot/efi/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI".
Updated /etc/machine-info with KERNEL_INSTALL_LAYOUT=bls
Random seed file /boot/efi/loader/random-seed successfully written (512 bytes).
Not installing system token, since we are running in a virtualized environment.
Created EFI boot entry "Linux Boot Manager".

While the ‘/boot/efi/loader‘ directory could be populated with config files specifying kernel/initrd/cmdline to boot, the desire is to be able to demonstrate booting with zero host local configuration. So the next step is to build and install the unified kernel image. The Arch Linux wiki has a comprehensive guide, but the easiest option for Fedora appears to be to use dracut with its ‘--uefi‘ flag

$ for i in /boot/vmlinuz-*x86_64
   echo "Generating $kver"
   dracut  --uefi --kver $kver --kernel-cmdline "root=UUID=5fd49e99-6297-4880-92ef-bc31aef6d2f0 ro rd.luks.uuid=luks-6806c81d-4169-4e7a-9bbc-c7bf65cabcb2 rhgb quiet"
Generating 5.17.13-300.fc36.x86_64
Generating 5.17.5-300.fc36.x86_64

The observant will notice the ‘–kernel-cmdline’ argument refers to install specific UUIDs for the LUKS volume and root filesystem. This ultimately needs to be eliminated too, which would require configuring the guest disk image to comply with the discoverable partitions spec. That is beyond the scope of my current exercise of merely demonstrating use of sd-boot and unified kernels. It ought to be possible to write a kickstart file to automate creation of a suitable cloud image though.

At this point the VM is rebooted, and watching the graphical console confirms that the grub menu has disappeared and display output goes straight from the UEFI splash screen into Linux. There’s no menu shown by sd-boot by default, but if desired this can be enabled by editing /boot/efi/loader/loader.conf to uncomment the line timeout 3, at which point it will show the kernel version selection at boot.

If following this scheme, bear in mind that nothing is wired up to handle this during kernel updates. The kernel RPM triggers will continue to setup grub.conf and generate standalone initrds. IOW don’t try this on a VM that you care about. I assume there’s some set of commands I could use to uninstall sd-boot and switch back to grub, but I’ve not bothered to figure this out.

Overall this exercise was suprisingly simple and painless. The whole idea of using a drastically simplified boot loader instead of grub, along with pre-built unified kernel images, feels like it has alot of promise, especially in the context of virtual machines where the set of possible boot hardware variants is small and well understood.

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